Essential Tips For Hose Reel Maintenance


When people are purchasing hose reels, they pay attention to elements like price, the reputation of the brand, and product design. However, they ignore things like the maintenance of the hose reel. Therefore, they start looking for companies that offer client support 7 days a week for assistance after a while. For this reason, this post will focus on hose reel maintenance.

How to maintain your hose reel

Below are some tips for maintaining your hose reel;

1. Ensure that you use the hose reel correctly

One of the easiest and most essential tips for maintaining your hose reel is ensuring that you use the product correctly. Below are some mistakes that you should avoid when using a hose reel;

  • Do not pull the hose entirely off the hose reel by pulling on the washdown gun. Doing this can cause the hose to wick, damage its internal lining, and loosen the hose reel. Instead, it would help if you stood at the reel and only pull out the required hose length. While doing this, ensure that you maintain a good grip on the hose and move closer to the working area.
  • Do not rush the process of unwinding and rewinding the hose. Doing this may keep the hose reel from performing its function, protecting the hose from twisting, kinking, and getting damaged.
  • Do not service or tamper on the spring retraction system when the springs are under pressure. Instead, ensure that the tension in the springs is released wholly before doing anything.

These are just a few usage mistakes you can avoid extending your hose reel’s life span. This is because proper usage ensures that the hose and hose reel does not get damaged in the process.

2. Inspect the hose reel regularly

You can also maintain your hose reel by inspecting its components and performance often. Doing this will allow you to detect issues like leaking and handle them before they get severe. Note that a case like leaking may result in more severe problems like rusting, which could cause the hose reel to break or crumble after a while.

Regular inspection will also allow you to detect loose screws, which could cause the hose reel to fall from its mounting position in the long run. When inspecting your hose reel, it would be wise to understand what you are looking out for. For instance, if you do not know the names and functions of the various hose reel components, it would be difficult to detect issues with these parts.

3. Lubricate the connections often

You can also maintain your hose reel by lubricating its brushings and connections. You can do this by smearing a degreases on a fabric or paper towel then spreading the lubricant on parts like the shaft and knob. Do this for all parts where there is constant movement.


Maintaining your hose reel does not have to be challenging. On the contrary, it can be effortless if you start doing it from the word go. For instance, create a maintenance schedule and do not neglect any component. Additionally, if you need to change or repair any components on your hose reel, it would help if you contacted manufacturers for assistance.


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